Volunteers from across the globe have dedicated their time and talents to help Reaching Out grow into a strong social enterprise. We have a selection process to ensure that volunteer skills and aims are in concert both with our core values and the opportunities available. It begins with the Volunteer Application form and includes a VOIP interview. By carefully exploring our expectations we are assured a mutually rewarding experience. Below are profiles of volunteers whose contributions have made a difference.
In addition to these formal working relationships we are fortunate to have a corps of ambassadors and fans who carry our story to the world. Whether it is enthusiasm for developing sustainable social responsibility goals for their own businesses, championing the rights of PWD’s, creating opportunities for the disabled in their home countries or simply spreading the word through social media we are happy that Reaching Out has been their inspiration.

Sam Miller Hicks
Sam, of Marin County, California, USA was a key player in the development of Reaching Out’s branding strategy and its marketing plan.

Patrick Marre
Patrick Marre, of Bonn, Germany was instrumental in building our first product catalogue and developing the first version of our on-line store. He continues to be a loyal supporter.

Anne Parker
Anne, from Portland, Oregon, USA, is a creative person, a maker of prize winning quilts. She has helped with product design and has done English language sales training for staff.

Selene Nguyet Minh
Nguyet is an old friend of Reaching Out, now living in Vancouver, BC, Canada. She has been involved, since the early days in helping to craft the personality, the spirit and the image of Reaching Out Craft Shop and Reaching Out Tea House. She continues to work remotely to assist in helping the public understand who we are and what we are about.